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Hi! I’m Julen and I am going to write an article about Green Valley.

Green Valley is a Spanish reggae-dancehall group formed by five musicians, native to Alava and Catalonia.

Resultado de imagen de green valley
In 2001, Ander Valverde, founder of Green Valley, (whose surname translated in English gives name to the band), began performing in Sound System format in Vitoria. One Year later he recorded his first demo solo “El sueño perdido” and, after, in September 2004, the idea of forming a band emerged. They decided to gave concerts in Cataluña and they pave their way in the world of music.
In 2007, their second demo called “Inmigrantes” was recorded and they began playing concerts around Spain. In 2010, the band launched their first album “En tus manos”, an album full of reggae, roots and dancehall. The title refers to the call to transform the world in which we live through social awareness with witty lyrics, catchy phrases and an unmistakable voice.
In 2012, they released their second album called “La Voz del Pueblo”, an album with a critique of the society in which we live. In 2013, the band published their new album “Mírame a Los Ojos”, this time in acoustic sessions composed of 9 section wrapped in maximum intimacy and feeling. That year was special for Green Valley who made their début in festivals like Reggaeboa Balboa, Lagata or Rotottom Sunsplash 20th. 2014 was their 10th anniversary as a band and they marked the achievement with a special album called “Hijos de la Tierra”, their fourth album and one which confirmed their notable evolution as a referential group in the national scene. The album was presented for the first time in the Festimad which was celebrated in February 2015. It's one of the most famous group in Spain.
Nowadays , they’re  five members at the group, Ander Valverde that is the vocalist and the songwriter, Egoitz Uriarte is the drummer, Ander Larrea the guitarist, Juantxi Fernandez put the bass and Jonathan Sanchez use the keyboards.

I like this group because when I listen their songs , they transmit  good vibes and I relax, I think that the major referent in this type of music it's in all the wordl a person that died few years ago,called Bob Marley ,a very important person in the style of reggae.


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